To Build Christs Church: bill theunfetteredpreacher cote

It seems we have churches on every corner of every street, for every mood, whim, or desire of the people.

Saints, this is a problem.   Some of us follow John,  others follow Joel, Franklin, or Benny, some maybe even follow Barney from Mayberry.

We have Baptist, Catholic, Methodist, Episcopal, and on and on it goes. 


I am a Christian, I joined  HIS Chuch the day I gave my life to the Lord.  HIS CHURCH, I see no need of another.

I do need Fellowship and Biblical Teachings, people to pray and counsel with, but not a denominational connection. 

The Bible has not changed, but our understanding, our looking through the glass becomes focused on today’s needs and priorities.  

We find our understanding enlightened, expanding as we grow in the Lord.

So let us get back to why a church on every corner for all our priorities and carnal desires.


Is it the biggest donors, the loudest crybabies, the most disagreeable, or maybe we have gone, the other way?

We have a great communicator, charismatic leadership, a wonderful music ministry, unparalleled children’s church.

Woman’s groups, home groups, study pods, soft comfy chairs, good video all that contemporary conveniences you could ask for.

That is the problem!  Where is the Lord?

What we want.  That is the problem. It is not our church!  We must learn, it is the LORDS CHURCH!

We need to do things His way.

He gave us the directions, the tools, the Godly leadership, and wisdom to build His Church.   Why are we building our church?

The Ministry Gifts (1 Corinthians 12; Romans 4; Ephesians 4) He promised are all we need, in Him, to be successful and triumphant. The Holy Spirit will guide and direct us.

We must take them off the shelf, study to show ourselves approved, and learn which ones the Lord has for us today.

The problem is, some of these Gifts can be duplicated and executed by man.

Many Teach, Preach, Sing, and Play instruments, because they practiced, studied, worked, and made themselves successful in that endeavor.   They are the people we turn to lead our church.

Should any of these people be leading Christ’s  Church?  That depends on Their position in the body of Christ.

I believe many churches are built by the Entertainment division of the  Ministry.  

We need to look deeper, to use the Spiritual Gifts to understand who is working in them, or are they working under their human powers.

Are you ready to Be led by the Lord? To leave the comforts and security.  To reach out and allow the Lord to bring you into a closer walk?

“Blessed is the man whom thou choosest, and causest to approach unto thee, that he may dwell in thy courts: we shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house, even of thy holy temple.” (Psalm, 65:4)

This promise needs to be seen, considered, understood, and believed.  The Promise of God is yes and for us. (Acts 2:39; 2 Corinthians 1:20; Deuteronomy 29:29)

Please let me know your thoughts. Pray for enlightenment, and the Power of God to see us through.

Thanks for visiting. Know you are loved. bill theunfetteredpreacher cote.

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