Why write?  Does anyone read?   theunfetteredpreacher 

In January of 2016, I studied 1 John and the 12 reasons he gave for writing.   My list is much shorter.

that your joy may be full

I truly want people to experience fulness of joy, not happiness, not excitement but true heartfelt joy, that comes from knowing the Savior, in a real and personal way.

that ye sin not”

That our lives would line up with His Word, and we would Walk in His ways.   We will never not sin, but we can live, forgiven and blameless in the Beloved. 

that ye may know that ye have eternal life,

The realization that we do have Eternal Life, right now.  Without Jesus the Eternity we look to, is less then desired.   Separation from our Creator, our families, our loved ones and desires.

The Eternal Life we can know, when we have Jesus, is a time of no tears or fears…  When we have the desires of our hearts.   Our trials and troubles are washed away by His blood.

That ye may believe on the name of the Son of God

The sum of my writing.   That you might believe on the name of the Son of God.

I am inadequate, my words, my prayers, my desires.  All lacking.   If you will not believe Moses, you will not believe, the one raised from the dead.

I write in the hope that something will touch your  heart, mind, a chord within your Spirit.

That something will draw you close…  The Holy Spirit is in charge.  

It is always your choice. 

Today, is the day.  Tomorrow may be too late. 

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