The Pursued Decision

Well worth a read….

Beautiful Life with Cancer

My mind engaged in Buddism, clearing all the chaos. I released myself of riches and the hamster wheel of comfort. When suffering plagued my days, I sought to release their power. There was no purpose in their pains. But they stalked me, humoring in their disturbance, and I wasted away my life seeking relief from my fleeting days. My days of calm were no peaceful offering for the meaning of my passing life.

I seek Allah, days full of ritual prayer. His commands tell me to be good, to follow his decrees. But when the hammer of judgement falls, I find that I fail so miserably. I can not live up to his scale. Fear is all I know.

I live for this world, pursuing pleasures. One after another, I drink in their delight. When this one fades, so very quickly, I seek the next craving, surely it will fill…

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